As festive season is arriving naturally it translates into a smorgasbord of sweets , snacks and a whole lot of tasty temptations. To Control these cravings and maintaining healthy weight and staying fit follow these tips and tricks and enjoy guilt free festive season:
Being Active - Doing some physical activity such as walking, yoga or cardio will get off the mind from food and allow good mood for mind fresh ness.
Snacking wisely - Opt for nuts , seeds, fruits , raw vegetables to maintain healthy weight.
Controlling portion sizes - Using smaller plates and reading the food labels and serving sizes will control the food as well as the hunger
Getting plenty of sleep - Sleep deprivation increases hunger hormone (ghrelin ) levels leading to higher calorie intake and lowers the metabolism which leads to weight gain
Controlling stress levels - Stress individuals have high levels of cortisol hormone which leads to weight gain and have been linked with more cravings for junk food
Balancing meals with good protein and fibre - Keeping the plate full with good protein and fibre reduces calorie intake as it keeps you full for longer periods and stops munching
Limiting desert intake - As it leads to excessive sugar consumption, a common cause of weight gain ,so focus on one and ditch the rest
Avoiding processed and packaged foods - These foods are high in sodium, excess sugar and unhealthy fats which deteriorates the health condition
Eating slowly - Chewing the food properly which boost the metabolism and helps to keep your weight in check
Having too much off alcohol and caffeine - These are empty calorie rich drinks which is a risk factor for weight gain without any nutrients
Hydrate yourself - Sipping infused water, green tea, lemon water which flush out the toxins and keep you energetic throughout the day
Eating before stepping out- This will keep you away from excess of calorie intake
Practice healthy cooking- Avoid frying instead use methods such as grilling, baking , or steaming which helps the food to retain its nutrients