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Writer's pictureDt. Ankita Gupta Sehgal

Different Type of Diets, Which One Should You Follow?

There are many type of diet plans available and so are there followers. Not one single diet suits everyone, Know what group are you in?

Which diet should I follow?

Social distancing has brought in some personal unique challenges, which I am sure must not be specific to me. So, once over the weekend, my best friends from school decided to have a video call. A couple of minutes into the chat, everyone started discussing how they are trying to improve their lifestyle by changing their sleep cycle, adopting a long lost hobby. Some even tried their hands into regular exercise and then what followed was the supplementary session of “I tried this particular diet which you should try too!” And as a dietitian, it was no wonder to know that people have rather chosen google to be the advisor and try out some variation in their diet that they always wanted to do.

Let me share some of these different types of diet plans and their followers:

1. Weight Watchers

Since the time Oprah Winfrey made a public statement for the weight watchers diet plan she was following, the number of people subscribing to this plan skyrocketed.

It has its humble roots from the year 1963, started by Jean Nidtech from Queens, NY. The basic idea is not to restrict on any food groups but the diet consumption has to happen within the set daily points to reach the desired weight.

How are these points assign you may ask? So, a point system is made for every food and beverage category based on its nutritional content like fats, fiber content, calories.

One of the studies showed that the WW diet followers lost 2.6% extra weight compared to the ones who received regular dietary counseling. That’s not it, these diet followers are also successful in maintaining the weight post several years compared to their other diet peers.

Pros: No specific dietary restrictions, hence, it’s very flexible even for the ones having specific food allergies

Cons: Unavailability of the points system for some of the Indian food, and also the flexibility can sometimes make people eat unhealthy food on a regular basis even if it’s in lesser quantity.

2. Keto Diet Followers

Ketogenic diet got its fair share of traction when a youtube sensation Tanmay Bhat shared his secret for his transformation. This is basically categorized under Low Carb High Fat (LCHF) diet plan. The ketogenic diet consists of very-low-carbohydrate consumption by restricting the macronutrients to 10% of the total calories.

The low-carb diet plan favors more of proteins, fiber, and fat consumption (Protein being on the higher side compared to fats). This helps increase muscle mass & metabolism. This converts fatty-acids into ketones instead of using energy from carbohydrates. This diet plan helps in burning belly fat comparatively more.

Pros: May reduce the risk of heart disease by reducing high cholesterol & blood pressure level. It can also help regulate sugar and insulin levels.

Cons: Unnecessary increase in the bad cholesterol level (LDL). Some cases where a low-carb diet can lead to a condition called Ketoacidosis.

Answer to most searched on google thing around Keto Diets: The Good, The Bad and Everything else about Keto you should know!!

3. Vegan Diet Followers

Some of my friends turned to a plant-based diet due to the sheer fear of contracting the virus through any animal product. I believe that gives all the descriptions about what a Vegan diet is all about. These diet followers increased in number when their favorite celebrities like Virat Kohli started following this or when some saw this famous docuseries The Game Changers on Netflix

These diet followers are similar to vegetarians but also curb on eating meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products. Vegans believe that plant-based protein along with other nutrients is the pure form of nutrients and its the most sustainable way to lead a life. Evidently, Vegan diet followers lost 2.5kg more than the people following other non-plant based diet.

Pros: Reduced risk of certain cancers, diabetes, and heart disease.

Cons: One needs to consume external Iron, Vitamin B-12, and essential fat supplements. This may lead to increased expenditure.

4. Intermittent Fasting Diet Followers

Intermittent Diet Plan another very interesting type of diet and it includes eating during certain hours of the day and fasting for the rest of the hours. This restricts your daily calorie intake to 500-600 twice a week. This leads to weight loss and detoxification of the body.

Studies have proved the Intermittent Diet to reduce 8% of weight over 3-21 weeks.

Pros: Increased insulin sensitivity, reduced inflammation, anti-aging effects

Cons: No much of harm although can cause acidity issues in adults

5. The DASH Diet Followers

DASH or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet is designed for high blood pressure patients (Clinically known as Hypertension). DASH diet includes eating a certain portion of servings of different food types.

People are advised to eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains with very low consumption of products that may increase blood pressure like red meat, added salt and sugar, fatty food.

DASH can lead to higher weight loss in 8-24 weeks compared to other diet plans - research reveals

Pros: Reduce blood pressure, chronic heart disease, chances of contracting colorectal cancer. Also, it can help fight depressive symptoms.

Cons: Some cases with increased insulin resistance.

You will meet and hear from many people about various diet plans with fancy names mostly influenced from a celebrity.

Although, at the end of the day you need to understand that each body type has its own requirement. Celebrities follow this diet under supervision.

I suggest you do too if you are following one. Know more about my diet plan and packages and feel free to contact me over Whatsapp Chat.

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