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It's Women Day & we're celebrating #WomensMarch with Special Offers. #BeBoldForChange

Dietician Ankita Gupta Sehgal

Women's Day is celebrated internationally on 8th March every year. It is an occasion to value the remarkable role of women to our society.

'Woman' is a word that conjures up a lot of images in our minds and brings out varied emotions as selfless love, nurturing and caring attitude. Who is a woman? There might exist a dictionary meaning to a word Women, but in real world, nobody can give justice to this term. The word Women is a complete encyclopaedia in itself and no word or a dictionary can do justice in defining the meaning to this word.

Women's Day Special Offer

She can play different roles with ease be it that of a loyal wife, loving daughter, a caring mother or affectionate sister. At office or at home, she is selfless, contributing and standing up as a guard to all problems in her family’s life.

The society is changing and tiling way for the growth of the women. The changes can be seen with a women’s contribution in the fields of education, healthcare, equality and or running successful business along with managing their families and kids at home.

C’mon Women, #BeBoldForChange

If you’re a women or if you know somebody who has been selfless and overworked all the time, then it’s time to #BeBoldForChange.

Bring out a healthy change in yours or her life. It’s time for you to take care of your own health. I am running an offer for all my current and new women clients by offering some huge discounts on monthly or quarterly packages for both renewals and new subscribers.

Enrolled already or know someone whom you'd like to gift? Share this on your facebook wall and tag all the females you have have always stood by you selfless. Buy them a healthy gift this International Women' Day. Offer Valid for 3 days only. 8th March till 10th March. You can enroll here as well: Special Women's Day Offer


Ever heard of a magic herb for Women? This herb helps them over come the women issues with ease. Read more about Shatavari here.

Share your comments or feedback or any query in the section below. Would love to answer them all.

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