Dt. Ankita Gupta Sehgal

Aug 2, 20162 min

Managing Menopause through Proper Diet

"Ultimate Foods To Relieve Your Menopause Symptoms"

Are you dreading the menopause? There's really no need as good nutrition and lifestyle changes can make a big difference. Every woman experiences different menopause symptoms like hot flushes, mood swings, dry skin, weight gain, nausea, night sweats and osteoporosis. Some factors and symptoms related to menopause cannot be avoided.

However, good nutrition might help make years around menopause a little more comfortable. Let's look at a few diet measures which can help you manage the menopause phase with ease:

Eat fruits and vegetables - Include at least two to four servings of fruits and three to five servings of vegetables in your daily diet. Fruits and vegetables contain a chemical called as ‘Phytoestrogen’ which is similar to estrogen in its structure and supposed to mimic or act as weak estrogen in human bodies. And thus able to subside some of the discomforts caused due to low estrogen during menopause. Include plums and prunes, strawberries, apples, tomatoes, pears, grapes in your daily diet.

Get enough calcium - Consuming two to four servings of dairy products and calcium-rich foods a day will help ensure that you are getting enough calcium in your daily diet. Calcium is found in dairy products, fish with bones such as sardines and canned salmon, broccoli, and legumes. An adequate intake of calcium for women aged 51 and older is 1,200 milligrams per day. Due to poor absorption and increased excretion of Calcium through our bodies, it is important to pay attention to the adequate intake of Vitamin-D and protein which can counter these problems.

Rev up your iron intake - Eating at least three servings of iron-rich foods a day will help ensure that you are getting enough iron in your daily diet. Iron is found in lean red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, leafy green vegetables, nuts, and enriched grain products. The recommended dietary allowance for iron in older women is 8 milligrams a day.

Drink plenty of water - This will help you stay hydrated. As a general rule, drinking eight glasses of water every day fulfills most everyone's daily requirement.

Eat adequate fiber. Most adult women should get about 20-25 grams of fiber a day. Eat foods high in fiber such as whole-grain breads, cereals, pasta, brown rice, fresh fruits, and vegetables.

Choose your fats wisely - Stay away from saturated fats present in whole milk and its products, butter , fatty meats, ice-cream , cheese etc. Saturated fats raises cholesterol and increases the risk of heart diseases. Also, limit the intake of cholesterol to 300 mg or less per day.

Rather opt for heart healthy Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids present in Flaxseeds, walnuts, almonds, olive oil, fish, cod liver oil etc. The fatty acids, proteins and calcium present does not only keeps the heart healthy but also keep one away from the inflammation of joints and osteoporosis which is the most probable conditions seen during menopause.

Also read,

PCOD or Polycystic Ovarian Disease, as the name suggests is a medical condition in which clusters of small sized cysts are formed in the ovaries. Read how diet can help you overcome PCOS.

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